Please contact us for equipment consultation and custom quotes.


300 Belton Rd.
Silver Spring, MD 20901
301-593-1234 Voice
301-681-8888 Fax


Yahoo calculated shipping charges are estimations only and subject to correction.
If the item is a stock item and ships from us, the shipping charges are correct.
Some items can be calculated easy while others such as Keating
can present a problem because of the shape, sizes and weight
Items over 150 pounds and to large for UPS
must ship by common carrier. Keating must ship by common carrier. We can arrange Air Freight for any large items such as Griddles fryers etc. to other Countries.

We are happy to get an exact shipping rate for you on any item upon request. All requests will be answered normally by the following business day. By phone: 301-593-1234, Fax 301-681-8888 or E-Mail at

Warranties & Returns Policy: We do not accept returns unless we ship the wrong item. If an item is defective, we will replace it or have it repaired at our option. In most cases, we follow the manufactures warranty procedures. Returns are expensive for everyone which is why we do not accept them. Therefore we suggest that you ask questions about an item before you buy it. We are here to answer any question you may have on an item. We want to sell you the best equipment suited for your application, and not an item that does not fit your needs. If you are thinking of buying commercial restaurant appliances for your home, Note: They are not made to be installed in a home. * We Only Ship to all States the USA. For other Countries, contact us for shipping quotes. *

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for Typographical errors regarding price and or information about a product.